What denomination are you?

What denomination are you?

Someone had asked me, “What denomination am I?” Hmmm, I suppose I can be called a Christian, one who believes by faith the infallible word that has been left to us in the Bible. I suppose I’m a brother to all who believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ, and received with open arms the work of the Holy Spirit.

Concerning both Catholic and Protestant I love both for the good work they have done for those in need and continue to do so. Each has much to offer if they would humble themselves, and receive only that which has been given to us in the Scriptures.

What concerns me is the vacuum that has been created between the two by those so called pious men and women, those who invent, than inject, and teach their false decrees, declarations, Pastoral Constitution, and Dogmas, making them Holy Writ. The way I see it there are those on both sides including Independents who have taken the glory of the Lord onto themself. In this do I find error and in these things do I speak against!

Those in authority on one side remind me of some well bred puppy pointing to a litter of mongrels on the other side. Cyrano deBergerac wore this beautiful white feather in his cap, he said, when we stand before God in heaven, “What am I to take with me when I stand before the Lord, my unstained feather, “ma plume?”

Our churches have become so busy, so impersonal, and in many cases so deadly to the souls of men it should frighten all of us! It’s hard enough that life grinds over us like some ancient glacier would grind over a hillside, carving it out.

What is obvious is that which lies ahead for all of us despite all our speculations about the future are unknown except for one constant: It’s our insatiable appetite to change things.

Countless discussions have risen concerning the content of the Bible; discussions that in time dig away at its deepest and purist root meanings; resulting in and adverse effect internally and externally on those who now touch it. It’s only the Holy Spirit that will enlighten us concerning the mind of God not mans narrowed down expressions.

We must learn to be Christian’s as the Lord intended and throw out all the prejudices and accessories! That’s my take on this issue.

Phillip Laspino  www.seekfirstwisdom.com