
All verses quoted will come from the Authorized King James Bible. We will continue to make every effort to aid all who are searching for the truth of Jesus Christ our Savior.

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Novel by Phillip LaSpino 10-22-27 IS AVAILABLE ON eBook at the following online retailers (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and others) 10-22-27 may also be purchased at barnesandnoble.com — Bookshop.org — Hoopla — Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com — Epub Book- Kobo.com. If you desire to know what the Lord has prepared for the world, read the book. 


Whoever is in charge of keeping law and order when these Islamic-loving dogs burn our flag, they better stop them before people start getting hurt. I speak as an American who served in the Marine Corps. I don’t like it when these idol worshippers burn our flag and raise their Palestinian rag that’s not worth whipping my car’s oil stick with. They broke into Israel; they raped the woman and children. They cut off head’s arms and legs. They shot innocent people and burned people alive.  Do you know why they attacked civilians? Because their yellow-bellied dogs who won’t face men who fight back. They started the war with Israel. If they wanted to stop it, all they need to do is turn all hostages loose and lay down their weapons. But these so-called Islamic fighters have chosen to continue this war as they hide in tunnels under schools and hospitals and continue to use their people as shields.   


Kamala Harris is not only extreme in her politics but also extreme in the two gods she worships, the god of Islam and the god of Power. Please don’t make a mistake America, her party, and their pick for President is hell-bent on destroying our Constitution and giving our nation over to those pouring in over our borders, pouring in by the millions. Biden is a traitor to this nation; he has sold his people out, and he has sold out the Lord Jesus Christ. He now supports a Christian hater, an Islamic lover named Kamala. Beware of these people; like Judas, they will turn us over to our enemies for thirty pieces of silver.  We’re living in the last of the last days, and we are the witness, and we will be held accountable for what we do or don’t do and for what we say and don’t say against this tyranny. Were at war folks, like it or not. 


Kamala Harris has repeated the following idiom many times. ‘What Can Be, Unburdened by What Has Been’? I finally figured it out, it means, “Where have all those yesterday’s gone?”

At the next Trump rally, Hulk Hogan will not be present, he’s developed a hernia.


Scientist claim humans have Neanderthal DNA. In other words, they claim the first humans interbred with Neanderthals. Their children were said to be shorter and stockier than humans. There may be some truth to this. Jerry Nadler, Nancy and Hillary are short and stocky.


How it may go down:

The world’s foremost notorious leaders have been preparing their militaries for war. The four now agree that the ’long peace’ is over. Their goal is clear. The thoughts of Kim Jung-un, “We will avenge all past military, commercial, and political wrongs and bring the great American Satan to its knees.” Every detail for war on the Western powers has already been laid out by the four superpowers of evil. 

Let’s call the offensive, Operation Sleepwalker, an offensive that will be implemented in a few short months. Their war against the Western powers will be a five-pronged attack. North Korea will be the first to strike against their Southern neighbors to the South. 

Vladimir Putin has stated, “We have already made all preparations for our invasion of Poland.”

And so, the table has been set. First, North Korea attacks the South and Japan simultaneously. Within forty-eight hours, China will move against Taiwan and Mongolia. Russia will begin its offensive against Ukraine and Poland. Lastly, on the day before Pentecost, the Iranians will attack Saudi Arabia with four divisions, each consisting of 100,000 men, two Tank Battalions, and three Artillery Battalions.  

Kim Jung-un will have already alerted the South Koreans, Japanese, and Americans that he will launch a Hwasong-18 ballistic missile. The launch may take place from Wosan Province. The path of the rocket will be a high-altitude one. The South will protest because the port city of Wosan is also a naval base only one hundred and thirteen miles from Seoul. Kim Jung-un announced the flight would last eighty minutes; the missile would re-enter the earth’s atmosphere and fall into the Sea of Japan.  

Unknown to the South Korean and American forces, the missile may carry an electromagnetic pulse nuclear weapon supplied by the Chinese government. Kim’s goal will be to destroy and disrupt the South’s commercial and military communications, electrical grid infrastructure, power transformers, and all electronic equipment, including all vehicles having a computer chip.  

The weapon will achieve extensive destruction without radioactive poisoning to the inhabitants or the ecosystem. The missile with its weapon is to explode fifty miles above the capital city of Seoul, incapacitating fighter Jets and all armored vehicles within a 200-mile radius. Before the launch, Kim’s military will withdraw to a safe place behind the disruption of the electromagnetic wave before the missile is launched. Soon after the nuclear weapon has exploded, he will unleash his military forces by land and air against the South. The disabling of their weapons and their communication will render them helpless. South Korean and American troops will retreat to the South, as will the civilian population. Kim’s confidence will be high for a quick victory over the American ground units and a death blow to the South Korean military.

When the missile reaches 1000 miles above the earth, the Norths launch coordinators will broadcast an ‘Abort mission’ warning that they have lost communication with the rocket. It is falling toward the South Korean capital of Seoul. He will request the Americans shoot it down; by then, it will be less than fifty miles above major cities in the South. If the Americans cannot destroy it at fifty miles, Kim will have his military detonate the missile above the earth. Kim’s Generals believe that by using this high-altitude nuclear weapon, a quick and decisive war is within their reach.  

They also expect the Americans to respond with all their forces, but he understands it will take the Americans several weeks to regroup to prepare for a counterattack against his troops. 

Possibly two days later, the Chinese military will launch phase two, engaging both Taiwan and Mongolia simultaneously. This move will stun Washington and the N.A.T.O. powers. The attack against Taiwan is to be followed by a new Russian offensive against Ukraine and an unexpected strike against Poland. 

At that time, the Cuban military will have reinforced Venezuelan and Colombian troops. Their combined forces will strike against the Panama Canal’s security forces, distracting the Americans in their own hemisphere, and closing down the canal.  The Americans must react quickly to prevent the canal from being closed. The final offensive will come through the Iranian military. The Iranians will launch an attack against Saudi Arabia. Operation Sleepwalker will stun and paralyze NATO and the Americans. These attacks will be the deadliest in human history. 

Chairman Kim Jung Un will celebrate with his Allies saying, “Victory is ours; we have destroyed our enemies, the greatest of which is America.” The four leaders will raise their glasses, and with one voice say, “We have crushed the sleeping giant, never again will they rise.”

Phillip LaSpino 



Another coincidence concerning the attack on Donald Trump. In April of this year Homeland Security Legislative Affairs’ and the Secret Service’s staff filled a bill to strip Trump of his Secret Service. Now why would they do that? Also, information coming out to the public from those who are (supposed) to be investigating the shooting is at a complete standstill. Why??? Maybe they need time to cover up their mess.  


Assassination attempt fails.


Motives! So far, no motive can be found for the snipers. Unless a person is a complete basket case, they may not need a motive for their actions. But this sniper was no dummy, he had already scouted out the area. He knew exactly when and how to climb up to the roof. It also appears he had his rifle hidden somewhere close by. If I were investigating, I would be looking for a middleman, someone who arranged or negotiated between the sniper and the money (bribe, payoff.) It also appears something went terribly wrong with the local police, or it is possibly there may have been a little inside help for the sniper. I would be searching for an alias the sniper used, and an overseas bank account. This was no random act; it was a well-planned out attack to murder Donald Trump. Because it was well planned out, the sniper would not have used his own computer. We know that’s the first thing the police would want. Possibly a library computer, a friend or a second computer under an alias.   


Donald Trump had better thank the Lord for deflecting the shot or for having his head tilted one inch away from the assassin’s kill shot. One inch stood between life and death. At the level the bullet struck his ear, it would have struck him in the eye and killed him instantly.

At the Trump rally, from an elevated position, the Secret Service had their snipers posted. Their weapons have scopes. Less than 150 yards away was a one-story building, about 20 feet high with a white roof having a 5-degree pitch. The Secret Service sharp shooters had no obstructions between them and the shooter. No trees, no telephone poles, no high brush, only a clear view of the building. 

From the reports, the roof had been checked, and cleared by Trump’s security team. The sniper was seen 80 seconds before he shot. He was seen by people at the rally, and several police officers. The shooter climbed a ladder, crawled to the peak, turned when he saw an officer about to climb on to the roof. The shooter pointed his rifle at the officer who then fell to the ground, and for whatever reason, no warning was sent out. He, or she could have at least fired a shot into the air which would have warned those guarding Trump. There were also police inside the building. The shooter then had to reposition himself before he fired. The shooters clothing stood out against the white roof, and, in the light of day, he should have been spotted immediately after he climbed up to the roof and made his way to the peak. The spotters should have seen him, but they didn’t. It also appears the sharp shooters position was slightly higher than the sniper’s. No excuse!

What happened? Were the sharp shooters and police on a coffee break? Were they blinded by the sun? Or were they told to look the other way? I don’t know, but someone had better find out. And why was extra security refused when Trump’s team asked for it? And why did Biden make the comment, “Put a target on Trumps back?” Biden either read that from his tele-prompter or was told to say it. But whoever it was, they should be questioned. Was the comment made by Biden a signal for the shooter to go forward with the assassination, or was it just a coincidence?

And why didn’t Biden put the military on high alert, it could have possibly been set up by our enemies, Iran, Russia, North Korea or Iran. Another problem! Who’s investigating this mess? It’s a Trump hating, rogue Justice department, one bent on destroying Donald J. Trump. And even if Congress investigates this matter, the Justice department heads will refuse to answer questions and refuse to turn over any evidence they have collected, as usual. It has been reported the shooter was a Republican. Reminds me of the time during World War Two when a group of Germans who spoke English well, dressed in American uniforms, claimed to be American soldiers, then created a great deal of confusion among advancing American troops. If this shooter was a Republican, then I’m Hillary Clinton. 







Final Countdown, Chapter 3: “How Does God Keep Time?” Posted Jan. 21, 2019.  

Final Countdown, Chapter 4: “This Generation, Daniel 9:27” Posted Jan. 23, 2019.  

Final Countdown, Chapter 5: “Confirming The Covenant of Daniel 9:27.”  Posted Jan. 25th 2019.  

Final Countdown, Chapter 6: “The Decree of 457 B.C.; The Jews Return.” Posted Jan. 26th 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 7: “Nebuchadnezzar; His Image of a man.” Posted Jan. 26th 2019. 

Final Countdown, Chapter 8: Bad Boys of Greece and Rome. Posted Jan. 26th 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 9: When Was Jesus Crucified? Posted Jan. 26th 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 10: 2300 Days of Dan.8:14. Posted Jan. 26th 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 11: 6000 Years.  Posted Jan. 6th, 2019

Final Countdown, Chapter 12, 1290 and 1335 Days of Daniel 12. Posted Jan. 26th, 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 13, Belshazzar: Posted Jan. 26th, 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 14, Hosea 6:2. Posted Jan.26th  2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 15, The Missing 30 Years. Posted Jan. 26th, 2019.  

Final Countdown, Chapter 16, The Last Temple Sacrifice. Jan. 26th, 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 17, God’s Two Witnesses: Posted April 6, 2018.

Final Countdown, Ch. 18: I Thessalonians 4:17-19

Final Countdown, Ch. 19: Is The Word “Rapture” Biblical?

Final Countdown, Ch. 20: Drugs: A Sign of God’s Final Countdown

Final Countdown, Ch. 21: More End Time Signs

Final Countdown, Ch. 22: Who Are The Arabs of Today?

Final Countdown, Ch. 23: A Temple Without God


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