Ignorance Is No Excuse

Everyone has need of more knowledge! We must always consider the seeking out of new fields of study. Most people realize that well-directed study produces results far more valuable than the cost and time spent in pursuing things that will later be set aside.

Do you believe your, “Too old to learn,” or that “You cannot teach an old dog new tricks?” Can you perceive, connect, then agree or disagreement with new thoughts and ideas, even if repugnant to you at first? In other words, are you open minded?

Question: Can an adult learn as easily as a teen? I believe they can. Age is but a minor factor in enhancing one’s knowledge with reading as a basic first step.

Personal experience, the acquiring of new ideas, capacity, interest, observation and energy are essential for gaining new insights.

Capacity: What is the extent or comprehensiveness of an individual’s mind, their power to receive ideas, knowledge and their natural ability to reason?

What are your Interests? How and what moves you? What excites you? What things concern you? What causes do you join yourself to?

What is your energy level? couple this with your capacity to act, operate than produce an effect.

Adults can usually benefit more because they are not in some ready-made group of school room classes. They have before them the option to choose wisely what subject they wish to study. Adults are usually in a position to plan for special objectives.

No-one is obligated to learn and then to know everything there is to know. It is rather ludicrous that there are those who seek perfection and drive themselves to emptiness, boredom or even madness.

Progress in all branches of education is greater now than it has ever been. Those who keep pace with world events and world progress will find new sciences, invention and discoveries awaiting them. Intimate details will always aid in obtaining a more vital knowledge.

It is absolutely necessary for mental and spiritual growth to continue in a person. Some of the world’s scientific, historical, mathematical and religious giants did not meet with any pronounced success well into middle age. They continually studied and focused on the thing they started out to do.

Preparation is of the utmost importance. The mind can become as a barren landscape, or a yard that has been overrun with weeds and thorns if not seeded properly, invigorated, cultivated, and watered with the curiosities of cause and effect. Ignorance and error will overtake a person if they neglect the cultivation of the mind.

All other things being equal, successful thinking and reasoning are the reward for those who are sure of their facts. The person who succeeds in life knows right where to go in order to obtain what is needed. No person can carry all knowledge in their head; but every person can use the vast storehouse of knowledge that has been accumulated in books, and other resources.

Good judgment and right reasoning: Understanding the strengths and weaknesses, the successes and failures of the human nature. Do not trifle, joke, or laugh at important issues, or take lightly the things of God.

Do not be narrow minded, but search out the scope of the vast and unlimited areas of learning. Concerning Christianity, prepare yourself to ask and to answer questions and make ready for the difficulties belonging to vast fields set before us by Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.

Wit, genius, and humor, all important but not as important as study! Laborious reading, and developing a good memory are important, but not without meditation and careful thought.

Seek out new treasures, the wonderful pearls within the Scriptures. When unearthed, take pleasure and satisfaction in understanding then sharing them with others.

If you desire to know more about God, His love, His plan of salvation, the glory that awaits you, begin an exercise program of the spiritual mind and body. Do not hover only on surface text, or first appearances of the various verses, but search, ask questions and listen to the answers received.

Call yourself to account with the new knowledge gained. Maintain a constant watch against dogma, or a dogmatic spirit.

Remain humble in your approach, courageous enough to step back and retract mistakes, and always make know your personal misunderstandings or errors.

Knowledge can be used for both offence and defense, it will help strengthen and help you to grow in Christ Jesus.

Phillip LaSpino www.seekfirstwisdom.com