Happiness Is Not Guaranteed

The contention that our government is in harmony with the Declaration of Independence appears to carry no conviction. It is as new wine having been placed into an old wine skin with volume about to burst. Politicians running for office are making impossible promises which can never be delivered.

The Declaration of Independence promises only the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If I were to gage the promises being made by today’s candidates, it appears that their words carry no viable credibility. It is the same old song and dance. Most give the impression of being great deliverers of every man’s dreams. Other candidates believe they have the power to resolve any situation with words and taxes. All claim to be the great problem solvers.

The Declaration of Independence promises liberty to every American and the PURSUIT of happiness. What is the problem? Both Republican and Democratic candidates promise American’s happiness as if it were some sane, normal, healthy condition.

Slogans are repeated over and over again. They continually promise a more abundant life for every citizen, and the greatest good for the greater number.

Yet not one politician has said to the Christian community, that he/she will represent Christian beliefs. These same politicians never mention escorting deceitful teachings from our halls of learning. False science prevails in our lesser and greater schools. Is this what they call the pursuit of happiness for Christian America? The language of Christian thought and concepts cannot, or will not be tolerated in any government agency, education system, or forum.

Millions of Christians have been abandoned, treated as non-citizens, having but a small voice, or no voice at all. Is this what politicians call the pursuit of happiness? Our oversized, overstuffed government with its smooth utterances and declarations have detached from Biblical teaching and thought. A great earthquake has opened and divided the people.

From all appearances, no one Christian candidate is standing or speaking out for the God’s truth.

From all appearances, today’s Christian candidates do not trust in the power of God’s word. They are outwardly Christian, but inwardly they appear weak, unnerved and unstrung. Politicians speak of liberty and the pursuit of happiness that is unless a person is a Christian, whose thoughts, teachings and dogmas are to be kept stay in their home, or in the church. Today’s candidates say they have no room for Christians in the government.

The Declaration was written so every American (citizen) has the benefit and authority to pursue happiness, guaranteeing each the liberty for that specific purpose.

Our new Presidential hopefuls (new in face only,) desire the government to pursue happiness for its citizens. What an awful thought. Happiness to what end?

Is our happiness to deny the true God of the Bible because a few powerful, non-believers, powerful men who rule over the vast majority of Christian America? Are we to be fearful of the enemies of Christ? Are we to reject in part or in whole God’s Holy word? In our major schools and universities we are told to be silent concerning the Creator and His creation.

Those in power today have a great deal of hot air that will eventually dissipate in time. But what damage to the culture remains unknown. God has given us notice. He gave us milk and honey, and we return to Him sour grapes.

Those who framed the Declaration of Independence had good hearts, and righteous thoughts, desiring every American to be happy. What was the politician’s experience having come from, and experiencing government which attempted to pursue their particular form of happiness for its citizens?

For the most part, it resulted in unhappiness, depriving its citizenry of liberty. So is the happiness of the American people for the most part going to mean a reduction in our individual freedom? It will as the machine grows.

The framers of the Declaration knew that all those in authority must do, whatever possible to guarantee each and every citizen the pursuit of liberty and happiness.

The heart and spirit of the framers of the Declaration, understood the hardships placed upon the poor. The influential, the rich and powerful must be suppressed so as not to victimize the majority.

As it is today, government in spirit has decided to reward those who have taken up a life of inactivity and laziness. Who do we blame? It appears to be every outside force since of course it can’t be us. It must be Mexican immigrants, Chinese, Korean, and others who are to blame for this downturn. The avalanche down has begun, and is now beginning to pick up momentum.

Do we also violate the unalterable rule that those who desire to use and enjoy something they have sought and worked now must share it with those who produce nothing? The drug lords, thieves, porn kings, mega corporations, oil companies, and the general criminal at large are at fault.

Our Constitution recognizes the necessity of some government intervention. As Christians we are not to criticize any effort to lessen efforts to help the poor, sick, elderly, young etc. Nor are we to hinder any charities.

But this is a far cry from taking away our pursuit of faith in Jesus Christ, and the joy of living in that faith. The Christian community must come together, give up personal agendas, unite as one body under Jesus Christ. If we don’t, the results in the very near future for Christian American will be catastrophic. If God turns against us, who will fight for us?

Phil Laspino www.seekfirstwisdom.com