Final Countdown: Introduction

Final Countdown: Introduction.

The Bible, by way of distinction, consists of two parts, the Old and New Testament, they uniting a variety of different compositions; historical, political, judicial, moral, prophetical and perceptive.

This Christian understands the Bible to be the inspired, infallible word of God; having written on its pages, words spoken and directed at the prophets by God’s Holy Spirit.

The Written Word carries us back to the threshold of creation, where our Creator, Jesus Christ spoke into existence the material world; then breathed into every creature the breath of life.

Jesus Christ, the Word and the Wisdom of God.

The ancient Greeks were fond of speculating upon the origin of all things. Aristotle thought the world, in its organized form, was eternal; and that the Supreme Being put it in motion.

Anaxagoras, Socrates and Plato believed in a supreme mind who organized the world out of matter which had always existed. Epicurus the father of Atheism traced the beautiful order of the earth and all its inhabitants and productions to an accidental coming together of atoms. And to add to this, no scholars, philosophers, or scientist in ancient Rome or Greece ever acknowledged a Creator.

The ancient heathen nations, ignorant of their origin, were fond of ascribing to themselves vast ages. The Babylonians and Egyptians boasted of their astronomical observations and counted their dynasties through thousands of years, as did the Chinese and Hindus.

Science theorizes, “Ex buguki buguk fut” meaning “from nothing, nothing comes?” But God reveals to us in,

Gen.1:1, “In the beginning God (I) created the heaven and the earth.” This one statement introduces us to an infinite intelligence; several of His many names and titles are, Jehovah, the Almighty, the LORD, I Am, God, who created and brought to perfection in six literal days His great and majesty work, and in so doing laid before us his goodness and blessings. Go out one evening when the sky is clear and look up into vast expanses of heaven, and you will be looking into the mind of God Almighty!

Phillip LaSpino