Climate change:

The other day I happened to be watching Family Feud. A question came up and was asked to 100 women. The question was, “where can a woman find a good man?” There were six answers to the question. My thinking was, “In church” would be first or second, but it was the sixth and last answer. What caught me by surprise was the 4th answer, “a man who dates other men.”

Today I was watching the same show, and the question asked to one hundred men was, “Who would a man buy flowers for?” Again, there were six answers to the question. First was Mom, spouse, and so on. The sixth answer was, “for their boyfriend.”

The support for homosexual activity in America must has reached up into heaven by now and filled the cup of the LORD’s wrath.

How far have the morals in America fallen? With answers like the above, I’d say we have almost reached the bottom. Do you think this anger’s the LORD? A nation who has been given so much, yet like ancient Israel, our politicians and judges have turned their backs on Him.

If we have a rebellious teenager in the house, what would be the best way to discipline them? You can ground them; take away their privileges; let them pay the consequences, or you can befriend them. Hmmmm!

The last two are most likely where the LORD is with so called Christian America today.

America the beautiful: America’s landscapes are unlike anything in the world. Our mountains, rivers, forests, coasts, farms deserts are central to our identity and considered the backbone of our economy, of our communities and our very lives. So what better way is there to begin punishing a rebellious nation then by destroying the enviroment they live and depend on.

In recent years, the topic of climate change has ruled most conversations. The twin crises of climate change and the plight of the many varieties of life in the world can be found on the front page of most newspapers.

A few of today’s catch phrases concerning the pollution of the environment go like this, “The Earth: love it or leave it:” “Be green! Keep our planet clean!” “Be smart. Don’t fart.” “Conserve What Our Children Deserve,” and so it goes.

So, has man become divorced from nature? or have we decided to divorce God? If the second is true, can we look at the many natural causes that effect our environment today, and point our finger directly to man’s sin? Are our sins against God causing nature itself to rebel? Is the planet heating up, or has the LORD’S patients hit a boiling point?

Congress believes they can solve the problem of environmental pollution by spending trillions of dollars on the problem, but can they? Probably not, and here are a few reasons why not.

Massive forest fires are burning away our forest and polluting the air. They create smoke that is filled with harmful gases, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds. Besides the smoke, there are tiny particles that cannot be seen, particles of pollution that affects people, animals and the general environment. Fire experts in California have estimated forest fires emit more CO2 in one week than all the vehicles in California do in a year.

There are also some 1500 active volcanoes around the world, many around what is called “the Pacific ring of fire.” These volcanoes, both land and sea are said to generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide annually.

Headline today, 8/10/22, the January volcanic eruption near the island of Tonga is now being called the most powerful such event in 140 years. Authorities are still taking stock of the damage — massive ash and water plumes, sonic booms, and a tsunami — triggered by the blast. 

The effects of a tsunamis on the environment are devastating. These are a part of the world’s most dangerous natural disasters that can strike both land and sea. In 2004, a huge tsunami hit in Thailand and Indonesia, killing over 300,000 people, and had an effect on the environment that never was the same.

What causes a tsunami? It’s normally one of the following, a volcanic eruption, earthquake or landslide that occurs under the ocean. Water is displaced, creating the waves that moves across the ocean at a speed of 500 miles per hour. Its force on the land has a devastating effect on the environment. Trees are uprooted, pipelines destroyed resulting in the contamination of the environment with oil, asbestos, raw sewage, dioxides and other poisonous pollutions.

The winds from hurricanes deliver the most visible environmental impact. The canopy layer of a forest and especially a rainforest after a hurricane will be completely gone. This impacts the lives of birds and animals that inhabited the area. Rare species in these areas are particularly endangered when hurricanes strike.

These storms have also changed the shape of coastal landscapes by shifting huge amounts of sand. Recently, two storms have caused a major shift in the Gulf of Mexico’s coast. Between Hurricane Katrina and Rita, some 73 square miles of land were lost to the sea.

A tornadoes effect on the environment can be devasting, destroying wildlife, plants, trees, fields of grain, and lives. They cover a smaller area than a hurricane, but their damage is normally more merciless causing harm to property, nature and people. Its high force winds wreak havoc on the environment.  

Now my final one, man! Deuteronomy 20:19, the LORD said, “When you besiege a city a long time, in making war against it to take it, you shall not destroy the trees by forcing an axe against them:”

Let’s first talk about conventional warfare, as in what’s going on between Russia and Ukraine today. We can also consider what had happened in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, and especially the two World wars. The effects of war on the environment can be broad and devastating. A perfect example can be found in the Vietnam War when massive amounts of herbicides, some 20 million gallons were sprayed over the forests and mangrove swamps, impacting some 4.5 million acres.  

Wars also cause a mass movement of people, and this movement does have a catastrophic impact on the environment. We are witnessing a movement of people throughout the world like never before, and especially here in America.  What comes with mass migration is deforestation, unchecked hunting, soil erosion, and contamination of land and water by human waste. In the Rwandan conflict, a great deal of the country’s Akagera Park had been opened to refugees, resulting in the extinction of the roan antelope and the eland.

The armies of Rome and Assyria would often sow salt into the cropland of their enemies, making soil useless for farming. Also, the use of military herbicide can have a devastating impact on the environment.

And now for the most devastating of all; modern day nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. The production, testing, transporting, eventual use and disposal of the waste can and will one day have the single most destructive effects on our environment, one that will most likely devastate man’s environment and his way of living.  

But was all this prophesied in Scriptures? Revelation 11:18, God said, He will one day “destroy them which destroy the earth.”

Here the LORD is pointing his finger directly at man for destroying the earth. And as it was in Job’s Day, the devil was turned lose on his world.

What power does the devil have when allowed by God to use it against the human race?

In Job 1, the devil had the power to turn evil men loose on family, friends and workers. Fire came down from heaven in verse 16, in verse 19 a powerful storm killed Job’s family. And upon Job himself came painful boils.

On the Egyptian’s came plagues, pollution, and eventually the death of all of Egypt’s first born, killed by the destroying angel. When David sinned against the LORD, the destroying angel was again turned loose on the people, killing some 70 thousand.

We have been warned about the consequences of sinning against God. Personally, I believe we are less than 5 or 6 years away from what is called the Great Tribulation, also called, “a time of Jacob’s trouble.”

God’s word is true; He will not be mocked! My next article will cover Daniel and Hosea’s end time prophesies.

Phillip LaSpino