
In a culture such as found in America, pluralization stands out. Our citizens are competing in a number of views; views in which no one idea is dominant. A pluralistic society compels citizens and non-citizens alike to take stock in what they think and say.

The United States is pluralistic in most all its worldly views; in language, politics and of course religion. Politics hold our ideals captive and are supported by a variety of opinions. Opinions may change and hold no-one accountable, but on the other hand, religious convictions do hold people accountable.  Most all religions and political views can best be described as an anxious wish, or a great “perhaps.”

Worldly views, including religious opinions can be described as a board with round holes, and the people as square pegs, each attempting to fit themselves into the round holes. Is Christianity also trying to fit itself into this round holed world? How does modern Christianity measure up, how should it fit within this pluralistic opinionated society?

Today, Christianity is under attack from every side, and by every view! Outside of Christianity. all other views are protected culturally, but Christianity has no protection whatsoever. 

Jesus lived in a pluralistic society, it made up of Romans, Greeks and Hebrews. Each had their own culture, language, and religion. In the day of our Lord, what one thing stands tall as we read through the pages of the New Testament? 

John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”

“I am the way” a truth that teaches the knowledge of God and directs the way to the Father: “He is the truth” this in opposition to every false religion: “He is the life” both in grace and glory, a life that not only saves us from death, but destroyed it.

Was this Jesus opinion or conviction, was his statement a deeply rooted dogma or not? I say yes, it was/is deeply rooted in His convictions. How do we know this? He gave His life so we could live; he expressed it on the cross because of his love for man. So, if a stranger were to meet you, and spend some time with you, would they come away speaking of the love they saw in your life?  

We are to express the gospel message with compassion; with love and conviction so others can measure what they see in you and understand the message; only than can they compare it with what is in the world. Live as a wise person, live as the Lord has designed us because the human mind cannot be indifferent to the truth of God.

Phillip Laspino