Gay Movement

Before I begin, let me clarify one thing. Any and all sexual sin is wrong. Sexual sins are to lust against the Holy Spirit and your own body.

God’s judgments against this behavior follow;

Romans 1:18, “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.”

Genesis 19:24, “Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of Heaven,”

So will it be in the future.

2 Peter 3:10, “The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away — and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the WORKS that are therein shall be burned up.”

The great city of Babylon will be, “Revelation 18:8, “Utterly burned with fire.”

The meaning of the words Adultery, Fornication, Sodomy, Uncleanness, and Effeminate, follow;

Adultery: To defile a married woman, to commit adultery with her. Generally, to commit adultery, used both of man and woman, a verb expressing action, that is limited to the agent.

Fornication: lewdness: The Scriptures state that Christians are not spurious children, born of a concubine, but are the true descendants of Abraham. Septuagint for, “whoredom, incest, incestuous marriage, prohibited by the Mosaic law and generally to all such intercourse as that law indicated.

Uncleanness: The Greek means, pollution, defilement, in a moral sense,

2 Peter 2:9-10, “The Lord knoweth how to — reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished; But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in lust of uncleanness,” as in polluted desire, unclean lust.

Following is Webster’s dictionaries defilation of sodomy. “Sodomy being a vile, debasing act of a man against another man, or one human being against another!”

“Sodomy: From the homosexual tendencies or inclinations of the mind or temperament of the men of the city as narrated in Genesis 19:1-11. “Carnal copulation with a member of the same sex or with an animal. Noncoital carnal copulation with a member of the opposite sex. Oral or anus penetration. If your interested in the word non-coital, look up “coital,” and add “non,” to it.

Effeminate: It is something soft, to the touch. Effeminate, to grow or make womanish. A male having the qualities of the female sex, soft or delicate to become unmanly, womanish.

1 Corinthians 6:9, “The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither — adulterers, nor effeminate, –?

In the past half century we have seen the social acceptance of, and an increase in the teaching off homosexual activities. We have been infiltrated by gays in our classrooms, government seats, the general society, and the Christian church. Pastors are told not to speak out in a church against gays. It can be considered a hate crime. Gays picket our churches, our meetings, and our communications in general.

Gay Senators now rule and establish laws over Christian people; Gay professors teach at our universities, and speak as guests in the classrooms of our children in both elementary and high schools. Gay pastors have in part been accepted and ordained. Gay church membership is up, they now participating in its most sacred and holy ceremonies.

Gay propaganda is given to our young children, the children being told to accept this behavior as normal. Pro-gay laws and agendas are passed by those who are seated in our government chambers, this in the face of the majority of citizens who reject this life style. Small groups of liberal judges have and will continue to overturn the will of the voters concerning this sin.

Inept scientist claim that the gay lifestyle is of God (created in them) therefore a part of God’s wonderful creation. We can thank pseudo science for this teaching. Gays claim to be part of a normal society, and capable of raising children within the confines of a home. ln certain states it is now lawfully for gays to adopt children, becoming both mother and father to them.

It amazes me how the government of a so-called Christian nation has made a concerted effort to stuff the sexual habits and living standards of what I consider base immorality down the throats of most Americans, and especially Christians’.

What concerns me the most; those in the gay community have taken it upon themselves to become Bishops, pastors and teachers of whatever religion and god they claim to worship. In part, the cause and the blame can be attributed to the lax, complacent, non-confrontational attitude among the Christian authority. Gays have hijacked the name of Christ and the name Christian.

Many Christians struggle with participating in any form of dialog with them, this because of their lack of Biblical knowledge. Most have a reserved fear of speaking to, or about them, and for the most part bury their heads between their knees.

Also they incorrectly believe that gays do not reside in the general area of their homes and churches, and that their children are safe from the long arm of this immorality.

This form of behavior by Christians is disgraceful, and sinful. We need to teach what the Scriptures teach and what Jehovah God and His Holy Spirit have stated in the Bible concerning this life style.

This poisonous and crushing sin is weaving its ensnaring web, entrapping the thoughts and hearts of our children, their parents, family members, and communities into a grave of despair. The Homosexual life-style now touches every small town, city, school and public arena. They have limited control, but an important say when it comes to passing laws that favor their agenda. Liberal gay judges have been seated in our courts. Gay agenda advocates speak in our public buildings and streets, and participate in debates and forums around the world.

Un-Holy-wood is producing upbeat entertainment about this issue. Pro-gay information is flooding our air-ways, and Internet. The wolves have gotten their muzzles in the door of most worship centers. Worship centers are God’s last strong-hold in a crumbling world. God’s bride is under attack by Satan’s bride, the whore of Babylon.

The blessings and graces given to Americans will soon be swept away by this title wave of immoral behavior. Christians had better stand up and be counted.

The reason for this article is to give Christians the weapon with which to teach, speak out, debate, and write about concerning this growing epidemic. We must teach and warn people about God’s coming judgments. It is the only weapon that will stand against this blasphemous sin.

What does the Bible say about Sodomy? Christians teach the following, which is a general outline concerning this life style.

Romans 1:27, “Men (males) leaving the natural use of the woman (females,) burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly (shameful,) and receiving in themselves that recompense (penalty) of their error which was meet (due.)”

Genesis 19:4, “They lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom.”

These men burned in their flesh, attempting to break down Lot’s door to have sexual intercourse with the two angels of the LORD. They rejected Lots daughter, going forward to sodomize God’s angels. The angels struck the men with blindness, and destroying the whole of the city with fire and brimstone. God takes the sin of sodomy very seriously.

Deuteronomy 23:17, God said, “There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, not a sodomite of the sons of Israel.”

Some may say, “Well that was a long time ago and it applies only to the Jewish people at that time in history.”

This is partially true, it did happen a long time ago; but now, Christian Gentiles have been adopted into the family of God, and will receive the mercies, blessings and graces given the Jewish people who have received Jesus as Messiah.

Gentile’s who commit Sodomy as well as other base sins, will have been adopted into the curses and punishments of God’s judgments. The lake of fire is reserved for Satan and his demons. But this judgment will fall upon the heads of every Jew and Gentile that rejects Christ, and bows at the feet of Satan, their Messiah.

In the O.T. the practice of homosexuality was usually in connection with heathen worship. Its presence and practice was a sign of a peoples departure from the Lord.

1 Kings 14:24, “There were also Sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.”

1 Kings 22:46, “The remnant of the sodomites, which remained in the days of his father A-sa, he took out of the land.”

Josiah the king of Israel, he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD.

2 Kings 23:7, He “Broke down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the LORD.”

Any Christian who does not condemn this sin, or supports this movement in any way is as guilty as those who practice it.

We are at war, let’s fight it as if our lives depend on it.

Phillip LaSpino