God Is The First Cause

God Is The First Cause:

Either God is the first cause, or nothing is the first cause of everything. Not all things have causality as in, “Who made God?” Or did God make himself? Christians believe that God is the uncaused, cause.

Every effect must have a cause. God is a being in himself; He is without cause, reasoning that He surely is not an effect. God is true by definition.

What is an effect? It is something made or produced. What is a cause? Its something that brings us an effect. So we can’t have a cause without an effect.

So if there is no God, and evolution is true, then everything is eternal. Does chance rule? If this were true, then God cannot be. But because God does exist, chance is a myth.

What are the chances of a quarter coming up heads or tails? Whatever it comes up when flipped and lands on the floor, chance had nothing to do with it. Chance had no power, or effect to change the results, it caused nothing. Chance is a mental thing only concerning mathematical possibilities.

What does chance look like? What does it feel like? Does chance think, feel, see, hear, or smell? It has none of these attributes. Chance defines man’s ignorance of the things of God. Chance is nothing, and surely it is not God.

Our Creator is without cause, and the cause of every effect known to man. He is our Creator, who first willed, and then spoke all things into existence.

But let’s get one thing straight, God was/is not cause of evil, corruption, war, murder, or mayhem of any sort. Satan first corrupted, then evil men followed. They ripped away, threw down, and trampled under foot the good things of God.

Let’s examine the results, moral depravity, corruption, sin, and death. These are the effects, and results of Satan and man. Men have severely damaged himself, and our Lord Jesus is the only door out of the mess we have caused.

Phil LaSpino www.seekfirstwisdom.com