

Headlines from the secular world. “The remains of the young Allosaurus, one of the largest dinosaurs of the late Jurassic period, is believed to be the most complete juvenile of the species discovered so far.”

The Jurassic period is a geologic period and system that is supposed to have spanned 56 million years from the end of the Triassic Period 201.3 million years ago, to 145 million years ago, also known as the age or reptiles.

The Allosaurus was discovered years ago near a quarry in the state of Wyoming. Its bones scattered over a wide area and among the remains of a Sauropod dinosaur.”

Now, if my math is correct, concerning the above comments, that would mean this Allosaurus has been buried in the mud for 438,050,000,000 hours. Roughly 438 trillion hours, yet it was discovered in tack, Wow, that’s insane!

Now, here’s how I would have written the article. I will be writing as a Christian who has allowed God to be our Creator, and let the Biblical record be our guide to the true story of this Allosaurus and all his related cousins.

“The remains of the young Allosaurus, one of the largest dinosaurs to ever live was found in a quarry in the state of Wyoming. It is estimated to be about 5000 Years old. Its bones were scattered over a wide area and found with the remains of another Sauropod dinosaur. Obviously, the limbs of this beast were torn from its body by some great force of nature most likely water and mud, then scattered about the area. The almost complete skeleton of the animal was found, its bones not destroyed by scavengers as they would have been if the animal had died of natural causes and left above the ground.

Some 4300 years ago, the wrath of God came down from heaven. He shook the Mountains and the valleys, he made the oceans boil with great fury as the waters below the crust of the earth were made to explode upward, spewing rivers of boiling water and mud thousands of feet into the atmosphere. And the oceans above the crust erupted churning their fury as great tsunamis swept across the oceans covering the islands and coastal lands of the continent.

Then the rains came and with them the animals fled to higher ground, but the water rushed down the slopes of the mountain ranges taking with them, rocks, trees, brush, mountains of mud and the dinosaurs, including thousands of other animal species with it.

Trapped by the mud rushing down Mountain slopes, and the debris that had already filled the lower valleys, these giant creatures were buried alive, or their bodies torn apart by the mighty forces of nature.  

Had these great beasts died of natural causes, no parts of their carcasses including their bones would have survived. Why? because of the carnivores and scavenges that roamed about by the tens of thousands. And let’s not forget the scavenger birds and smaller crawling scavengers, ants and maggots that could devour a large body in a very short period of time if the carcass remained above ground. And if left above ground, its bones would have been carried off or eaten on the spot by other dinosaurs, Hyenas, wild dogs, wolves, bears, lions, etc.   

We have evidence of this in what we call the old West. It is estimated that some 30 or 40 million Buffalo once roamed the great plains. Millions of Buffalo had been slaughtered for their hides and their carcasses left to the elements, rotting away or devoured by wild animal that roamed that area. And let’s not forget the scavenger birds and flesh-eating insects.

Only 150 years after the great slaughter, little remains can be found on the plains and wilderness areas where once staggering numbers roamed.      

To conclude, the Allosaurus was found buried in layers of rock which were once mountains of mud that had hardened. Any live animal that is instantly buried in mud can be preserved for 4 or 5 thousand years, but not for millions and millions of years. After millions and millions of years, the various chemical elements found in the earth would dissolve any remaining bones. The remains of these giant creatures do give Paleontologists a great deal of insight and a clear picture of God’s wonderful creation, and also the fury and swiftness of his justice. But will the secular world ever acknowledge our Creator? I doubt it, but one thing I will bet on, they will on Judgment Day.

Phil LaSpino