The Battle Rages

The Battle Rages: 

It appears the Lord has given Satan free reign here in America and around the world to do as he pleases. Why? most likely to determine how Christians would respond. Or perhaps because we are in the last days, nothing can be done expect to pray, pray in order to slow down the tidal wave of destruction that’s coming.

What if America should fall to Socialism or to Communism, and Christianity crushed under the heal of the enemy? Will it be because Christians in America were too busy to get involved? If that should happen, how would you justify your lack of concern and action before the Lord?

In Ezekiel 3 and 33, we are told to be watchmen, and to warn others. And if we remain silent, the blood of the lost and the fallen will be on your hands. We are all to be involved, involved in spreading the gospel and to stand up for law, order and justice. We are to demand the wealthy and political elitist; corrupt judges, and all justice department personal be held accountable for crimes committed.

The Lord told of the servant who was given one talent to invest for his Master. Because he did nothing, he was told,

Matthew 25:26, “Thou wicked and slothful servant,” verse 28-29, “take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which has ten talents. Verse 30, “cast you the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

We must pray, knowing everything is governed by God, and work as if everything depends on us. The days are coming when Christians will face persecution here in America. But worry not, the coming of the Lord for His bride is at hand. We must prepare ourselves, our family and our friends for what’s coming to America, that is, unless the Lord returns before then.

Since the coronavirus outbreak we can see the power play by socialist Democratic Governor’s against the working people, especially Christians, their gathering places and our President. The battle is for the hearts and minds of your children. We have all been given a gift (at least one talent) by the Holy Spirit of God, therefore you must do your best, and recognize that ultimately the battle is the Lord’s.

Phillip LaSpino