
All verses quoted will come from the Authorized King James Bible. We will continue to make every effort to aid all who are searching for the truth of Jesus Christ our Savior.

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Novel by Phillip LaSpino 10-22-27 IS AVAILABLE ON eBook at the following online retailers (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and others)

10-22-27 may also be purchased at barnesandnoble.com — Bookshop.org — Hoopla — Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com — Epub Book- Kobo.com. If you desire to know what the Lord has prepared for the world, read the book. 


Posted 4/22/24.

When Christ said, ‘I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it,’ two thousand years of Christian history have proven him right.

Christians marry one man and one woman; we father children but do not have them killed in the womb. Christians, like Christ, share their tables but not their beds. Like all men, we are flesh but commanded not to live after the flesh. We live, breathe, eat, and sleep here on earth, but our citizenship is in heaven. 

Christians are prepared to die for their faith but not kill for their faith. The polar opposite of Christian beliefs is the Atheist of North Korea and China, the Agnostics of Japan and Vietnam, the Satanists here in America, the Hindu extremists of India, and the Islamists in Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and Iran will kill for their beliefs. We Christians will defend ourselves, our families, and our friends, but we do not go out to intentionally murder anyone for any reason.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

His statement appears to have a certain amount of truth, but were his comments directed against Christian men and women or their position? Were Gandhi’s words a play on the person rather than the argument?

Atheists, Liberal Democrats, abortionists, and almost everyone in the LGBTQ movement give the impression they have read Hitler’s book Mein Kompf given the number of times they compare the Christian Right Wing, the Republican Party, and our previous President, Donald Trump, with Adolph Hitler’s war on humanity.

The problem is that most only repeat what others in their movement have belched out or parroted something they read on some liberal Blog or Website. Most likely, many never read Mein Kompf, nor do they know the truth or the true history of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi war machine. Their irrelevant comments are usually without context; therefore, they are nothing but a pretext; some call it, confirmation biases. But their pretext is usually enough to satisfy their follower’s corrupt thinking. 

So, ask yourself, what have Christians contributed to society? We can begin with education. Most major European universities, Cambridge, Oxford, and Westminster have been founded on Christian principles. In the United States, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Oxford, Pepperdine, St. Johns, and many others built on Christian thinking. 

Other contributions are in hygiene, social reform, medicine, democracy, arts, sciences, and industry, and has had a hand in elevating womanhood. Cannibalism has been abolished, as well as human sacrifice and cruelty by torture because of Christianity. Christians have organized worldwide famine relief programs, as well as local charities. What is now considered current, contemporary values in equality, tolerance, and freedom are all fruits of Christianity as well.

Let me close with this thought. Atheists, Agnostics, gays, pro-choice groups, and Politicians on both sides of the aisle agonize about society and how to transform it. But few there are who give any thought about changing their hearts. The root and branch of Christianity, we change cultures by changing people. Christ and his church have and continue to fulfill their mission. How do we know that to be a fact? Because Christ’s work continues to turn the world upside down.

Phillip LaSpino



Jesus Christ is Israel’s Iron Dome. Joe Biden is Israel’s thorn in the flesh. 


Will Biden continue to aid Israel? Or will he consider too much aid to be a political time bomb?


Joe Biden, the man the American people elected to govern over them, has decided to turn his back on Israel, the Christian community and Jesus Christ. American’s who voted for this man should be ashamed of themselves, but they have no shame because they are filled with greed, pride, and foolishness.

Passover begins April 22, 2024. Watch Israel, watch the area of the Temple mount.

It is written in Revelation 11:3, I the Lord “will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.”

If this is their time, they will be acting under divine influence, declaring, exhorting, warning and uttering prophetic revelations to the people of Israel.

Watch Iran; watch for a man, a man of war having great authority over the people of Islam. There will be given to him,

Revelation 13:5, “A mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power will be given to him to continue for forty and two months.”

We are three and a half years away from the Jewish New Year, Yom Kippur. It will fall on October 10, 2027, some 2000-years after Jesus Christ began his ministry. Daniel 9:27 tells us Christ was to confirm his new covenant with the Jews for seven-years, but he was cut off at the cross after three-and-a-half years. And so, the three and a half years that remain to confirm this new covenant will be given over to God’s two witnesses. When they finish, only then will Daniel’s prophesy be fulfilled.

The stage has been set. Peace has been taken from the earth. Our failing President, Joe Biden has chosen to turn his back on Israel, a mistake that will cost America dearly.

Without America’s support, Israel is without a friend. Disastrous times lie ahead for this people, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and America. We are about to enter the period Scriptures call, the “Time of Jacob’s trouble.”

“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”  


Final Countdown, Chapter 3: “How Does God Keep Time?” Posted Jan. 21, 2019.  

Final Countdown, Chapter 4: “This Generation, Daniel 9:27” Posted Jan. 23, 2019.  

Final Countdown, Chapter 5: “Confirming The Covenant of Daniel 9:27.”  Posted Jan. 25th 2019.  

Final Countdown, Chapter 6: “The Decree of 457 B.C.; The Jews Return.” Posted Jan. 26th 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 7: “Nebuchadnezzar; His Image of a man.” Posted Jan. 26th 2019. 

Final Countdown, Chapter 8: Bad Boys of Greece and Rome. Posted Jan. 26th 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 9: When Was Jesus Crucified? Posted Jan. 26th 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 10: 2300 Days of Dan.8:14. Posted Jan. 26th 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 11: 6000 Years.  Posted Jan. 6th, 2019

Final Countdown, Chapter 12, 1290 and 1335 Days of Daniel 12. Posted Jan. 26th, 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 13, Belshazzar: Posted Jan. 26th, 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 14, Hosea 6:2. Posted Jan.26th  2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 15, The Missing 30 Years. Posted Jan. 26th, 2019.  

Final Countdown, Chapter 16, The Last Temple Sacrifice. Jan. 26th, 2019.

Final Countdown, Chapter 17, God’s Two Witnesses: Posted April 6, 2018.

Final Countdown, Ch. 18: I Thessalonians 4:17-19

Final Countdown, Ch. 19: Is The Word “Rapture” Biblical?

Final Countdown, Ch. 20: Drugs: A Sign of God’s Final Countdown

Final Countdown, Ch. 21: More End Time Signs

Final Countdown, Ch. 22: Who Are The Arabs of Today?

Final Countdown, Ch. 23: A Temple Without God


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